Building Blocks
The Building Blocks manifesto provides a policy framework for a regenerative built environment that enables society and nature to thrive – creating jobs, improving health, and restoring the natural world.
The manifesto is structured around three building block themes and their foundations:
1 Prioritise resource efficiency
Radically reduce UK’s carbon emissions from the built environment by: regulating whole life carbon emissions to align with a science-based net zero trajectory; improving the efficiency of existing homes; and providing tax incentives.
2 Kick start the circular economy
Rapidly transition to a fully circular economy through a nationwide strategy: establishing national material banks; mandating material passports; and prioritising building retention and re-use.
3 Restore social and natural infrastructure
Use people and nature centred urban planning to build resilience and social justice; create infrastructure that supports sustainable lifestyles, green jobs and biodiversity; and restore societal and ecological health.
The Foundations
The Building Blocks must be supported by solid foundations to succeed long-term. This manifesto advocates for action in four foundational areas:
A Provide climate literacy at a national scale.
B Align the economy with wellbeing and planetary limits.
C Safeguard future generations’ ability to act.
D Foster climate leadership through reforms and working with local authorities.